Navigating a world characterized by uncertainty, rapid change, and conflict as a Christian can be challenging. However, with a solid foundation of faith and a steadfast commitment to God's Word, believers can find strength, purpose, and peace amidst the chaos. Here are a few practical ways we can navigate this crazy world as a Christian.
Deepening Our Relationship with God
There is no other substitute. Nothing else will do. It is absolutely critical to prioritize spending our time in prayer, studying the Bible, and seeking God's presence. Through nurturing a deep and intimate relationship with Him, we gain wisdom and a clear path to navigate the hurdles that life throws our way. And since there is power and encouragement in numbers, attending church regularly, engaging in fellowship with other believers, and participating in small groups or Bible studies further develop our spiritual growth. Doing these things and resting in the fact that we are God’s children brings stability and peace to our hearts!
Embracing Our Identity in Christ
Remember that our identity lies in Christ, not in the ever-changing world around us. As the old chorus says, “This world is not my home, I’m just passing through, my treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. The angels beckon me from heaven’s open doors and I can’t feel at home in this world any more.” Grounding ourselves in the truth that we are loved, chosen, valued by God, and destined to live in a place beyond this present world will begin to shape how we see everything. Because we are made for another world, this world doesn’t have its claws in us. Jesus said we are “in” it but not “of” it! This awareness can shield us from the pressures to conform to worldly values and help us live a life aligned with God's purpose and passion.
Cultivating a Heart of Compassion
This must be a continuous deliberate act on our part and is the most difficult thing Jesus commanded us to do! Our physical world didn’t create the chaos in which we live, people did. In a world filled with turmoil and division, let’s allow compassion to guide our actions. Extend love, kindness, and empathy to those around us, regardless of their beliefs or backgrounds. We will sense God’s smile on our lives by demonstrating Christ's love and becoming a beacon of hope and healing. This draws others closer to God.
Practicing Discernment
Simply put, the spiritual person is able to discern or evaluate properly the things of God because they are spiritually perceived. The ingredient the natural man is missing—and the spiritual man has—is the mind of Christ. So, may we be mindful of the influences that shape our worldview. With the Spirit’s help we can evaluate the messages conveyed through media, entertainment, and social platforms and filter them through the lens of Scripture. This discernment is what aligns us with God's truth. We can develop critical thinking skills and seek guidance from mature Christian mentors who can help navigate complex issues. Discerning all things is what establishes our rock-solid Biblical worldview which won’t allow us to have a “double mind.” (James 1:8)
While the world grows increasingly chaotic, we Christians can find solace and purpose by anchoring ourselves to the anchor of our faith, Jesus Christ! By deepening our relationship with God, embracing our identity in Christ, cultivating compassion, and practicing discernment, we can navigate this crazy world with resilience, integrity, and an unwavering commitment to our calling.
-Ron Tant
Next Generation IMPACT
President and CEO