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Make a Difference with Oodles of Noodles!

Updated: Feb 6, 2023

How can Oodles of Noodles benefit your entire church and provide an outreach opportunity? I am so glad you asked! What if I told you that your church could host an event that could do just that? Parents Night Out has the potential to IMPACT people in and out of your church. It is so much more than asking volunteers to just babysit and provide free childcare.

Parents Night Out gives your church members a chance to be a part of serving others and it doesn’t require a lot of time. It shows your families that you care about them by providing parents or caretakers a much-needed respite. It provides your kids with a space for kids to be kids, have a lot of fun, and learn to set their hope on God (Psalm 78:7). It can also give your church an opportunity to reach families outside the four walls of your building.

We are excited to introduce our very first Parents Night Out resource: Oodles of Noodles and as always, our resources are FREE.

We have created quite the smorgasbord of noodle-themed ideas, games, activities, and crafts. Most importantly, we have provided Bible teaching with a Gospel emphasis. We believe that you can have an event that is fun and engaging for kids without sacrificing the opportunity to point them to Jesus!

A typical smorgasbord allows guest to help themselves from a range of dishes laid out for their choice and that is exactly our thought process for Oodles of Noodles. We have provided many tools, but you and your team decide what works best for your Parents Night Out.

We hope that you now have a better idea of how Oodles of Noodles could make an IMPACT and those wheels are turning in your head.

We are always here to help, so reach out and connect with us at!

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